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1. Selected Model Internet Projects
2. Finding Teacher Projects
3. Planning Projects
4. Evaluating Projects
5. Educational Reform & PBL
6. Free Email Services

5. Readings in Educational Reform and PBL

What does research say about outcomes from project-based learning?
Researchers have investigated the impact of project-based learning (PBL) in a wide variety of educational contexts ranging from early childhood education to medical and legal education. PBL (and related instructional approaches) has generally been shown to be effective in increasing student motivation and in improving student problem-solving and higher order thinking skills. (1998)
Developing Educational Standards
A comprehensive collection of educational standards from states, professional organizations, and other sources; compiled by Putnam Valley, NY, School District.
SCANS Report for America 2000
SCANS 2000 Summary Report (PDF)
The Secretary of Commerce Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) was convened in February 1990 to define the skills needed for employment. We believe there is a clear correlation between web-based learning and the SCANS competencies.
Trends in Educational Reform
An excellent hypertext essay by Andy Carvin outlines recent and historical trends in educational reform and attempts to create a better understanding of the connection between technology and educational change.
Technology and Education Reform EdReformStudies/ EdTech/
Results of a research project conducted by SRI International and sponsored by OERI at the U.S. Department of Education
The Role of Online Communications in Schools: A National Study stsstudy/ index.html
A major study by the Center for Applied Special Technology  demonstrates that students with online access perform better. It offers evidence that using the Internet can help students become independent, critical thinkers, able to find information, organize and evaluate it, and then effectively express their new knowledge and ideas in compelling ways.
Technology Counts
From Education Week, this annual report provides an up-to-date snapshot of the state of technology in U.S. schools. 

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