CyberFair Partner Affiliates

Local and Regional CyberFair Affiliate Programs

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Global SchoolNet encourages the implementation of regional and national CyberFair programs, that build on the International CyberFair model. We are proud to introduce our past and present Affiliate Partners and applaud them for their outstanding effort.

RedStarPlease let us know if you are currently implementing a regional CyberFair!


Local and Regional CyberFair Affiliate Programs

State, county, or national educational organizations, community technology centers, or institutions of higher learning typically facilitate regional affiliate programs -- and usually assume the following responsibilities:

  1. Identify and enlist the help of local stakeholders who will benefit from the CyberFair program (i.e. representatives from local schools, universities, parent-teacher organizations, county offices of education, chamber of commerce, etc.).
  2. Determine how local stakeholders will assess the success of the CyberFair program (i.e. number of participants, quality of CyberFair projects, student achievement measures, public relations, etc.)
  3. Articulate the ways in which CyberFair activities support local content standards and educational requirements.
  4. Generate awareness of the CyberFair program through local print, broadcast media (radio and television) and electronic announcements.
  5. Generate awareness of the CyberFair program through on-site presentations and teacher or student workshops.
  6. Provide support to local participants via email and phone.
  7. Help to keep participants on task and to complete their assignments on time.
  8. Develop a plan for local recognition of student achievement (i.e. certificates, prizes, awards ceremony, press releases, etc.).
  9. Encourage the best local projects to enter the International Schools CyberFair competition.


RedStarPlease let us know if you are are interested in implementing a regional CyberFair!

Taiwan Schools CyberFair directed by Shian Lian Hsing
Offered in partnership since 1999 with Taiwan Schoolnet; endorsed by the President of Taiwan, the Minister of Education and celebrated on national television, the Taiwan CyberFair program continues to grow in success
Philippines CyberFair directed by Janette Toral
Offered in partnership since 2001 with to promote literacy and meet the challenges of the digital divide
Chinese CyberFair
Offered in partnership since 2010 with Chinese SchoolNet
Poland CyberFair
Offered in partnership since 2004 with XIII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. M. Piotrowiczowej
Malaysia CyberFair
Offered in partnership with TMEduTech (M) Sdn Bhd
Cameroon CyberFair
Offered in partnership with Foreign Assistance Bureau
Ghana CyberFair 
USA - California
Offered partnership with NetTV

USA - Louisiana
Originally supported by Louisiana Tech Corps and Impatica, Inc.

USA - New Jersey  
New Jersey CyberFair is coordinated by the NJ Educational Computing Cooperative