Doors to Diplomacy Affiliate Partners

Global SchoolNet encourages the implementation of regional affiliate programs that build on our model projects and programs. State, county, or national educational organizations, community technology centers, or institutions of higher learning typically facilitate regional affiliate programs -- and usually assume the following responsibilities:

  1. Identify and enlist the help of local stakeholders who will benefit from the Doors to Diplomacy program (i.e. representatives from local schools, universities, parent-teacher organizations, county offices of education, chamber of commerce, etc.).
  2. Determine how local stakeholders will assess the success of the Doors to Diplomacy program (i.e. number of participants, quality of CyberFair projects, student achievement measures, public relations, etc.)
  3. Articulate the ways in which Doors to Diplomacy activities support local content standards and educational requirements.
  4. Generate awareness of the Doors to Diplomacy program through local print, broadcast media (radio and television) and electronic announcements.
  5. Generate awareness of the Doors to Diplomacy program through on-site presentations and teacher or student workshops.
  6. Provide support to local participants via email and phone.
  7. Help to keep participants on task and to complete their assignments on time.
  8. Develop a plan for local recognition of student achievement (i.e. certificates, prizes, awards ceremony, press releases, etc.).
  9. Encourage the best local projects to enter the International Doors to Diplomacy competition.

We are proud to introduce our affiliate Doors to Diplomacy partners and applaud them for their outstanding effort.

Taiwan Doors to Diplomacy

Taiwan Doors to Diplomacy

Be sure to let us know if you are implementing a national or regional Doors to Diplomacy Program!