Doors to Diplomacy Narrative

Arrow Important: The Project Narrative must be submitted using the project narrative form. You may access the project narrative form in your personal Checklist.

Arrow Click here to view sample questions for the Project Narrative.

Your project must contain a Project Narrative that provides important information about your project to the judges and other viewers of your site.

The goal of Doors to Diplomacy is to raise awareness about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy. You will document your achievement of this goal in your Project Narrative.

An outstanding project narrative will tell an interesting story about your project and its impact upon student learning and within your community. It will clearly show how the project meets or exceeds objectives for both the Doors to Diplomacy contest and the category in which it's entered.

Students and coaches should work together to complete the Project Narrative. Discuss each section. Brainstorm ideas and wording. Assign team members to create a  draft. Discuss their draft with the group until the group reaches a consensus, and then complete the narrative.

  • Describes Your Team
    Your narrative describes your "team" and shows how your project brought your team together to work towards a common goal. Describe how each member of your team contributed to your project. Your narrative should clearly describe the project's educational value. Of course, the contents of your project web pages should support the claims you make in the project narrative.

  • Chronicles Your Project
    The Project Narrative is a valuable chronicle of your project for your parents, administrators, and members of your community to help them understand and appreciate your efforts and accomplishments in putting this project together. The Project Narrative "documents" the student learning that has occurred.

  • Hyperlinks to Your Project
    The Project Narrative page contains a hyperlink directly to your Doors to Diplomacy project so that visitors will understand the story behind the creation of your project.
  • Hyperlinks to Your Bibliography
    The Project Narrative contains a hyperlink that directs viewers to a bibliography in which you cite your sources and document where your information came from.

Importance of the Project Narrative
Past participants have reported that completing the Project Narrative was a valuable and worthwhile activity. This kind of reflection and reporting will be a useful conclusion to your learning project. Many participants use the information in their Project Narratives to apply for grants and to make reports to their school boards.

The deadline for submitting your Project Narrative and your final Doors for Diplomacy project entry is midnight, on the deadline date.  Check the timeline for deadline dates.

Arrow Important: The Project Narrative must be submitted using the Project Narrative form. You may access the project narrative form in your personal Checklist.

Arrow Click here to view sample questions for the Project Narrative.