Send out a Press Advisory if you want the media to visit your school while an activity or event is taking place.
Fill in your school's information and print your final copy on a sheet of your school or organization's letterhead.
: Tell what your school or organization is doing. Mention that it's an e-learning activity or that it's part of International CyberFair.[School Name] Showcases [Your Local Town] IN THE WORLDS LARGEST INTERNATIONAL ONLINE COMPETITION
First paragraph
: Include your city, state and the date in your "dateline." Then briefly tell the who, what, where, when and why.Second paragraph
: Give a little background information about your project-- explain that it's a part of International CyberFair, a Global SchoolNet project-based learning program, now in its 30th year - involving 5.5 million students from 115 countries.
Third paragraph
WHERE: (Be as specific as possible)