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From: Global SchoolNet Foundation (
To: Approved Projects (all participants)
Subject: => 2 more weeks to submit FINAL PROJECT and PROJECT NARRATIVE
Date: 11 Mar 2023 12:41 PST (GMT -8)

IMPORTANT Reminder: Download Banner, Bibliography, Peer Review, Read FAQs

=>You are receiving this notice because you are a current or former CyberFair participant.

***FINAL Projects and Narratives are due by March 23, 2023***

IMPORTANT: Read this message carefully. It contains important information to assist you in organizing and managing your project.

In order to qualify for judging as an official CyberFair Project, you must notify us by submitting your FINAL Entry Notice in your Project Checklist. We will send you email confirmation 1-2 days after you submit your Notice.

Your project must also contain a Project Narrative that provides important information about your project to the judges and other viewers of your site. Submit your project narrative by logging into your Project Checklist.

You must submit your Narrative BEFORE you can submit your FINAL Project Notice.

If you are unable to complete your Final Project by March 23, we encourage you to submit your project as a PROJECT-IN-PROGRESS. If you do so, and you review 6 entries from other schools, you will still get the benefit of the educational experience. Many educators have told us that the peer review process and having their students work with the evaluation rubric was the most valuable part of the program.

Project-in-Progress is designated in the "Final Project Notice" section. However, you must complete the narrative before you can do that. We suggest you complete as many fields as you can in the narrative. This is a good "reflective" piece that will get your students thinking and talking about their learning experience. Enter "not available" for the items that you're not able or prepared to answer. Then submit your narrative. To submit your final project notice, answer the yes/no certifications, and select "PROJECT-IN-PROGRESS."

Since it takes us up to a full week to prepare your peer review assignments, we can't accept late Final Entry Notices after the deadline.

However, you may continue working on your Web pages until peer review officially begins. After that time you may not make any further changes to your web site.


1. PEER REVIEW APRIL 1-April 23, 2023

Remember, to qualify for an award you MUST participate in the Peer Review.

Your reviews are NOT anonymous. Other people are depending on you to do a good job, in the same way that you depend on other teams to do a good job in reviewing your project. Each review will take approximately one hour, so please allow enough time.

And, please, please don't wait until the last minute. You know there are ALWAYS unexpected technical problems.

Learn more about the PEER REVIEW at:



It is recommended that ALL the writing, images, and videos on your web projects be original student work. However, if you do use ANY information from other sources, that information MUST be properly cited in your BIBLIOGRAPHY. Web projects that contain material that has been copied from other websites and not properly cited, will be disqualified.

Learn more at



Be sure to download and DISPLAY the official Participant Banner. Projects without banners will NOT be eligible for awards. Place this banner on the HOME page of your web project and include this banner on any printed materials that you create about your project. It is important to let the public know that you are participating in such an important global project!

Learn more at



What should you do if you run out of time and can't complete? Please read the FAQs to gain insight and find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Learn more at ===============================================================

Global SchoolNet Foundation:
  Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate learning!
Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, member supported,
education organization. GSN, a developer of online content since
1984, partners with schools, communities and businesses to provide
collaborative learning activities that prepare students for the
workforce and help them to become literate and responsible global
For more information about the services and programs provided by
Global SchoolNet, please visit
Email:      Phone: 760-635-0001

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