Sample of Project Narrative Questions

Important: The CyberFair Project Narrative must be submitted using the project narrative form. You may access the project narrative form in your personal CyberFair Checklist.

International Schools CyberFair 2001 Project Narrative
Title: Your CyberFair Project Title
Project URL: Link to Our CyberFair Entry
Category: Your CyberFair Entry Category

Number of Students who worked on this Project students, Ages of Students who worked on this Project worked together to complete this CyberFair project on Date that Project was Finished. How many previous years has your school participated in CyberFair?: List of Years you have participated in CyberFair

Classes and Teachers: Names of all Teachers and/or Classes that participated

E-Mail contact: Link to Project Email Contact

School: Your School Name

Our School's Web Site: Link to Our School Web Site

Bibliography and Citations: Link to Our Project Bibliography

Project Overview

1. Description of "Our Community"

Describe what you consider to be your "local community." ( NOTE: "community" need not be restricted by geographic location.)
Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters). You may use the same description that you submit in your final entry form.

2. Summary of Our Project

Write a brief overview of what your CyberFair Web Project is all about. Why is that topic important?
Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters). You may use the same description that you submit in your final entry form.

3. CyberFair Theme

Very Important! Explain how your project supports this year's CyberFair theme
Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters).

4. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home: Your Answer

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom: Your Answer

C. Connection speed used in the classroom: Your Answer

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet: Your Answer

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Limit your comments to 150 words (1000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

5. Problems We Had To Overcome

Write a brief description of the barriers, including technical challenges, that you and your students faced during this project. Tell how you overcame or otherwise dealt with these obstacles.

Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

6. Our Project Sound Bite

Write ONE (or two) sentences that BEST summarize what your participation in CyberFair has meant to either your students, your school, or your community. We share these comments with the media.

Limit your comments to 100 words (500 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

7. How did your activities and research for this International Schools CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Questions to Consider

  • Which content standards did your CyberFair project address?
  • How did this project fit into your required school, district, or state curriculum guidelines?
  • What new skills did you learn?
  • What group concepts did you practice?
  • How do you better understand specific ideas?
  • How does your project fit into the requirements for your school or class?
  • What discoveries did you make about your educational system? About the role you play in your school community?
  • Has using the Internet for teaching and learning been more effective than traditional methods? If so, explain?

Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

This list can include things like

  • number and type of computers
  • telephones
  • TV and radio stations
  • video and digital still cameras
  • digitizers and scanners
  • tape recorders
  • Internet video or other teleconferencing
  • type computer software
  • libraries
  • books, newspapers
  • museums
  • oral interviews

Questions to Consider

  • How did these tools help you?
  • Where did you locate each tool?
  • Were any tools donated by businesses or schools?
  • What were your most valuable tools? Why?
  • Which technologies were the most helpful? How?

Be sure and tell any unique or unusual ways your students used information tools and technologies.

Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

An "ambassador" is a person who represents his or her country or, in this case, school or organization. In order to accomplish this project your students probably contacted and talked to people in your community... in person, through letters and phone calls, and through email. During those contacts, students probably had to tell them about this project and some of the other things that you were doing at school.

In this section, tell about the different ways that students contacted people in your community.

We would also like to hear about any interesting anecdotes or stories or outcomes of those contacts. For instance, did you get any visitors or donated services because of your contacts? Are people impressed with the work that you are doing? How did they tell you they are impressed?

Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

Realizing that your web site may not have been up very long, describe how your involvement in this project has strengthened the "relationship" between your school and your local community, or describe the anticipated impact your project will have in the future.

Questions to Consider

  • Will your project made a difference?
  • What is unique about your presentation within your community?
  • Have people in your community learned new things through your Web pages?
  • Have other people around the world learned new things about your community?
  • Have you established some new working relationships with people in the community? Who besides you and your students has looked at your Web pages?
  • What kind of feedback have you received?
  • How has your Web site helped them?

Be sure you tell about the good things that your project has done at your school or organization, among your parents, and within your community... whether they have anything to do with technology or not.

Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Most CyberFair teams need lots of advice and help to complete their entry... did yours???

Tell about your helpers: who they were, how you found and asked them, how they helped. This is a great place to give them a great big thanks. You can even link their stories to some pictures if you have them. (Be sure you have their permission to publish their pictures first, however.)

Also tell about those long-distance helpers who provided assistance from across the miles via the Internet.

Limit your comments to 300 words (2000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

Were there interesting discoveries you made, lessons you learned, or surprises that occurred as a result of this project? If so, take the time to share these insights and observations with your audience. Did this project lead to other awards or recognitions? Would you recommend this project to others?

Limit your comments here to 300 words (2000 characters) or less. If you have a compelling story to tell, then create a Web page as part of your project pages and make a link here.
