Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 4. Local Specialties

We estimate 15 student(s) from 13 to 17 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: Dedicated to the incredible biodiversity of the area, our local community plays a vital role in preserving Rayagada's natural beauty. Their sustainable practices, ancient wisdom, and respect for nature have helped to conserve the local flora and fauna. The tribal community has evolved over the past few decades and has broken from the shackles of backwardness and moved far ahead into playing essential roles in preserving the ecological diversity of the region. Also, they are the cradle of the art and culture of India.

Project Description: Our project focuses on one of the biggest tribal festivals of our state, Odisha, The Chaiti Festival. Chaiti Festival conducted in Rayagada displays the eminent extravagance of art and culture that thrives within the Tribal community of Southern Odisha, especially Rayagada-Koraput region of the state. The festival showcases various distinct handicrafts and folk culture of the Tribals. It is a depiction of the culturally rich lifestyle of the Tribes. Chaiti is where the beauty of Tribal India comes to the fore. Our project aims to bring Chaiti Festival into sight of more people, highlighting the importance of Chaiti for Rayagada and the perception of Tribals as a whole. We do so by participating, with our project, in CyberFair and including in it everything one needs to know about Chaiti.

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