Volunteer Project Reviewers

Please Click Here to submit your Project Reviews

Would you like to:

  • See amazing student-produced projects from around the globe?
  • Have a positive impact on thousands of youth worldwide?
  • Make an important contribution to an international collaborative competition?

We invite adult members of the EDUCATION community to review International Schools CyberFair entries from Monday, 1 April, '24 to Monday, 22 April, '24.

You must be able to devote a few hours to review 4-6 web projects. Each project will take approximately 30-40 minutes to review and your reviews will be part of the official judging process.

It is our policy that CyberFair project reviews may NOT be anonymous. If you submit a review, schools may choose to request clarification of your review.

If you know any of the teachers or students participating in CyberFair, you may NOT judge projects in their same category. In this case, please notify us and we will give you new assignments.

Registration for volunteer reviewers closed on
Sunday, 31 March, '24

Please check back next year. Registrations for volunteer reviewers for International Schools CyberFair 2025 will open early in January, 2025.