sitesALIVE! connects students to learning
adventures on land and at sea around the world!
New live-content programs run
each semester on the sitesALIVE! website, with
each program ranging from 8–14 weeks in length.
In addition, the sitesALIVE! Archives give
subscribers access to all materials from past
semester programs, going as far back as 1993!
land-based field schools are located in
Australia, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Turks &
Caicos Islands. Class Afloat Live! will visit
Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, South Africa,
Brazil, U.S. and Canada this semester. US
History Live! is visiting five Caribbean
On-going with new programs each
Participants can send questions; post
comments to bulletin boards; send letters and
class projects by snail mail to the land sites
and ship ports of call.
the sitesAlive! free trial, participants receive
the following opportunities within live
- Read student and faculty Bios & Photos
- Tour the ships and field sites (photos,
video, & IPIX)
- Follow daily highlights in Extra! Extra!
In addition, free trial participants can view
a week's worth of content from each archived
program. Subscribers (Classroom, Team,
School, District, Homeschool & Family),
receive all the above benefits as well as
password-protected access to:
- Daily Log
- Student-authored Essays, Journals, and
Q&A (updated weekly)
- Photo Gallery and Audio Reports (updated
- The ability to send questions and post
comments on bulletin boards
- 42 archived expeditions for a richly
stimulating reference resource!
- Teacher's Guides with lesson plans
coordinated with the field syllabi
- Correlation to U.S. Curriculum Standards for
seven subjects by grade level
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