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Basic Project Information

Title: The Joke's On .... (ID:2378)

Begin & End Dates: 9/01/03 to 4/30/04 (Completed)

Number of Classrooms: 30

Age Range:  12 - 19 Years

Target Audience: Anyone

Summary: Students will create a political cartoon based on what they are studying or a current event. The cartoons can be drawn and scanned or created with a computer drawing program and e-mailed to Susan Silverman, project coordinator.

Key Words: political, cartoons,

Project Details

Project Level: Basic Project

Curriculum Fit: Social Studies

Technologies Used: Email; List server

Collaboration Styles Used: none listed

Full Project Description:

Students will create a political cartoon based on what they are studying or a current event. The cartoons can be drawn and scanned or created with a computer drawing program and e-mailed to the project coordinator. One of the cartoons will include three student created constructed response questions. The cartoon and three questions will be on a web page where visitors can answer the questions. Participants will receive the answers via e-mail. They will then be able to accept, revise, or submit the responses which will be automatically posted on on the web page.


Objectives: To Create and Interpret Political Cartoons

Project URL: http://kids-learn.org/cartoons/

Registration Information

Registration Status: Closed

Registration Dates: 9/01/03 to 3/31/03

Registration Instructions: Registration information is listed on the web site. http://kids-learn.org/cartoons/introduction.htm e-mail:onlinedbqs@yahoo.com

to send email to project coordinator.

Project Coordinator Information

Susan Silverman -
Old Westbury, New York, United States

Other Projects by Susan Silverman

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view Kidspired Tales 2002 (Sep 02 - Nov 02) Closed

view Student Created Document Based Questions (Sep 02 - Nov 02) Closed

view Kidspired Frosty Tales (Jan 03 - Feb 03) Closed

view Student Created DBQ's for Primary Students (Feb 03 - Apr 03) Closed

view Kidspired Bunnies (Apr 03 - Apr 03) Closed

view Wright On! (Sep 03 - Dec 03) Closed

view Fall Into Autumn (Sep 04 - Nov 04) Closed

view Literature Circles Extension Projects (Jan 05 - May 06) Closed

view Frosty Readers 2005 (Jan 05 - Mar 05) Closed

view Human Body Systems (Feb 05 - Dec 05) Closed

view Beautiful Spring, Beautiful Earth (Apr 05 - May 05) Closed

view Chocolate Stories (Aug 05 - Oct 05) Closed

view Mouse Tales (Jan 06 - Feb 06) Closed

view A Dance With the Butterflies (Mar 06 - Jun 06) Closed

view Shark Bytes (Oct 06 - Jan 07) Closed

view Kidspired Frosty Readers 2007 (Jan 07 - Feb 07) Closed

view Lucky Ladybugs (Aug 07 - May 08) Closed

view The Online Autumn Revival (Aug 08 - Nov 08) Closed

view Weird and Wondrous Weather (Nov 10 - Mar 13) Closed

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