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Basic Project Information

Title: Beautiful Spring, Beautiful Earth (ID:2790)

Begin & End Dates: 4/10/05 to 5/15/05 (Completed)

Number of Classrooms: 25

Age Range:  5 - 10 Years

Target Audience: Anyone

Summary: Students will read a book with an environmental theme. They will submit their creative writing and computer generated art work for publication.

Key Words: literacy literature earth environment creative writing

Project Details

Project Level: Basic Project

Curriculum Fit: Language; Science

Technologies Used: Desktop Document Sharing; Graphics: photo; draw; paint; Text: stories; essays; letters

Collaboration Styles Used: Electronic Publishing

Full Project Description:

Read a book with an environmental theme. Have students write, draw, create graphic organizers, slide shows, etc. about the book. (Must be computer generated) (Maximum 10 graphics per class) E-mail an introduction and work to Linda and Susan Project begins on April 10 and work must be submitted by May 15 Work will be posted by May 31 and remain online to be used as a resource


Student will have the opportunity to share their work with an authentic audience. Educators will be able to view best practices which can be replicated in their classrooms. This project supports NETS and state learning standards.

Project URL: http://www.lakelandschools.org/EDTECH/spring-project2005/home.htm

Registration Information

Registration Status: Closed

Registration Dates: 3/07/05 to 4/30/05

Registration Instructions: Please e-mail the following information: Name, Grade Level, School, Town, e-mail address and/or class web site url

to send email to project coordinator.

Project Registration URL: http://www.lakelandschools.org/EDTECH/spring-project2005/home.htm

Project Coordinator Information

Susan Silverman -
Old Westbury, New York, United States

Other Projects by Susan Silverman

view Cinderella Around The World (Sep 01 - Oct 01) Closed

view Graph Goodies (Feb 02 - Mar 02) Closed

view Spring Into Life (Mar 02 - Apr 02) Closed

view Kidspired Tales 2002 (Sep 02 - Nov 02) Closed

view Student Created Document Based Questions (Sep 02 - Nov 02) Closed

view Kidspired Frosty Tales (Jan 03 - Feb 03) Closed

view Student Created DBQ's for Primary Students (Feb 03 - Apr 03) Closed

view Kidspired Bunnies (Apr 03 - Apr 03) Closed

view The Joke's On .... (Sep 03 - Apr 04) Closed

view Wright On! (Sep 03 - Dec 03) Closed

view Fall Into Autumn (Sep 04 - Nov 04) Closed

view Literature Circles Extension Projects (Jan 05 - May 06) Closed

view Frosty Readers 2005 (Jan 05 - Mar 05) Closed

view Human Body Systems (Feb 05 - Dec 05) Closed

view Chocolate Stories (Aug 05 - Oct 05) Closed

view Mouse Tales (Jan 06 - Feb 06) Closed

view A Dance With the Butterflies (Mar 06 - Jun 06) Closed

view Shark Bytes (Oct 06 - Jan 07) Closed

view Kidspired Frosty Readers 2007 (Jan 07 - Feb 07) Closed

view Lucky Ladybugs (Aug 07 - May 08) Closed

view The Online Autumn Revival (Aug 08 - Nov 08) Closed

view Weird and Wondrous Weather (Nov 10 - Mar 13) Closed

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