Originally published April 2008 in District Administration Magazine
By Dr. Yvonne Marie Andrés, President & Co-Founder, Global SchoolNet Foundation
I MUST downsize the time I spend in CyberSpace. As wonderful as it is to connect
with like-minded and amazing folks from around the world, I have officially run
out of real time minutes to support these relationships. My virtual world has
become obese and bursting at the seams. My only hope is to go on a radical
social-networking diet.
Here is what I mean. I started writing this article TWO months ago!
But, every day -- by the time I browse through my personal email, review the
news lists that I subscribe to, peek at my blog subscriptions, download new
podcasts from iTunes, upload or view recent photos and videos, and approve or
disapprove requests from LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Plaxo,
Meet-Up, Craigslist, Digital Divide, FreeCycle, NetFlix, Ning, YackPack, Yahoo
Groups, Google Groups (yadda, yadda, yadda.), - when the day is over, my article
is STILL not completed. Not to mention all the other tasks which have been left
Do you get the irony?
But, this is definitely a case of "be careful of what you ask for." My
colleagues know that I have been "screaming" about the benefits collaborative
learning since 1984, when Al Rogers and I started the Free Educational Mail
Network (FrEdMail) to connect classrooms around the world.
So, HAVE we gotten what we asked for?
In the recent best seller, "Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes
Everything," authors Donald Tapscott and Anthony Williams talk about the growing
significance of intelligent collaborative networks. They say three forces have
come together to create the perfect storm that facilitates Wikinomics: (1)
technology (Web 2.0 where anyone can contribute to anything), (2) the Net Gen --
the generation who grew up collaborating (kids who view email as something their
parents do), and (3) the global economy, where companies are required to
collaborate to produce additional value (The World is Flat).
For educators, the important message is that these critical Wikinomic forces
will FUNDAMENTALLY change the way we learn - forever! Individuals can no longer
independently learn all they need to know. In a globally connected world, there
is enormous value in using technology to collaboratively connect and learn with
others. But, while mass collaboration has many benefits, without some structure
it can lead to chaos and frustration. Youth need to learn collaborative, 21st
century learning skills, through safe, structured, supervised, educational
projects. Teachers need guidance in transitioning from traditional learning --
to new learning tools and experiences (i.e. Flexbooks, blended learning
environments, collaborative projects, co-created content, global exhibitions and
competitions, virtual field trips, etc.)
Yes - I am in TOTAL agreement with the Wikinomics message. But, how can we reap
the potential benefits of collaboration and social networking, without being
overwhelmed? According to LinkedIn statistics, my 200 personal connections link
me directly to 4,171,400 professionals. Add the thousands of connections from my
other networks - and well, you get the picture. Even my five pound Chihuahua,
Wanda Star, has 300 MySpace friends and her own blog!
This brings me back to the need to downsize.
At the end of August I will be traveling to Black Rock City, Nevada, with a
group of adventurous, creative and geeky friends -- mostly comprised of
scientists, journalists, and educators -- to participate in a LIVE social
networking event called Burning Man. Burning Man is community in which a
temporary city is created for one week, for 40,000 participants who are devoted
to personal expression, self-expression, radical self-reliance and creativity -
in technology, art, music and spirituality.
I will have the entire week without cell phone or internet access in which to
ponder the best way to downsize my CyberSpace. How do I get rid of my networking
clutter? Should I exercise more social networking control? Consume smaller
portions? Or, make healthier and more nutritious CyberSpace menu choices?
Of course, if you already know the miracle social networking diet, please don't
hesitate to become my new friend!
Comments should be directed to:
Dr. Yvonne Marie Andrés,
President & Co-Founder, Global SchoolNet Foundation
Dr. Yvonne Marie Andres is President of the (not-for-profit) Global SchoolNet
Foundation. An educator for two decades, Andres has taught pre-school through
university and is dedicated to demonstrating and documenting the power of global
collaborative learning. She is co-founder of Global SchoolNet, producer of the
Global Schoolhouse website, Doors to Diplomacy, the International Schools
CyberFair program, and has provided leadership at conferences and workshops
throughout the U.S., Canada, Asia, Europe, Australia, South America and Africa.
Dr. Andres was most recently named one of the 25 most influential people,
worldwide, in education technology.
Global SchoolNet Foundation (GSN) is the original online resource for global
project-based learning, problem-based learning, and online collaborative
learning. Global SchoolNet partners with schools, communities and businesses in
194 countries to provide collaborative educational, scientific and cultural
learning activities -- that prepare youth for the workforce and help them to
become literate and responsible global citizens. GSN, a not-for-profit, has
90,000 members and has been linking classrooms around the world since 1984.