Articles on Professional Development

Our members have written or inspired hundreds of articles about the impact of network-based learning. Here are some articles that we believe you will find valuable, from the earliest days of schools on the Internet.

Title Author / Date

1999: The Origins of A Global Learning Network

Al Rogers
(February, 1999)

1998: Sharing and Uniting Communities:
The International Schools CyberFair Contest

Elisabeth Keating
(August, 1998)

1998: Eratoshthenes in Schools
FrEdMail's original Noonday project lives on.

Al Rogers
(March, 1998)

1996: The Failure & the Promise of Technology in Education
Classroom teachers take control of their own professional development

Al Rogers
(December, 1996)

1996: Global SchoolNet Foundation Testimony
Transcript of live testimony presented at the Senate Select Committee on Information Services

Al Rogers and Yvonne Marie Andres
(August, 1996)

1996: The Internet: A Land To Settle Rather Than An Ocean To Surf
And a new "Place" for school reform through Community Development

Margaret Riel
(January, 1996)

1996: A Visit To Hillside School
My first visit was to a forward-thinking "model" technology-using high school that had an early presence on the Web.

Al Rogers
(January, 1996)

1995: Ballad of an E-mail Terrorist
What do you do when your fourth grade student receives an obscene email message? This article describes a recent real problem and how it can be managed.

Al Rogers
(August, 1996)

1995: Collaboration in the Classroom and Over the Internet
The creation of "telecommunities" can unite students and teach them to work cooperatively. Collaborative learning becomes even more significant when the students who are working together are from different nations with varied cultures, histories, and socio-political beliefs.

Yvonne Marie Andres
(March, 1995)

1995: Scientist on Tap: Video-Conferencing Over the Internet
Scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory demonstrate the power of distance learning, by interacting with students around world, from the comfort of their own offices!

Yvonne Marie Andres
(March, 1995)

1995: CU on the Net (October 1995 Internet World)
Check out the October 1995 Internet World, page 80, "CU on the Net," by John Vacca. The Global Schoolhouse widens the horizons of K-12 students worldwide. In this article, student ambassadors interview the most interesting people they have met on the Internet via CU-SeeMe.

John Vacca
(October, 1995)

1994: Global Literacy in a Gutenberg Culture
This article poignantly shows how students who use the Net begin to see their place in the world differently. It also gives some compelling reasons why you would want students to use telecommunications as a learning tool.

Al Rogers
(May/June, 1994)

1993: Elements of an Effective CU-SeeMe Video Conference
GSN's Global SchoolHouse conducted the very first Internet-wide test of Cornell's ground-breaking CU-SeeMe videoconferencing software in an International schools' project which studied watershed pollution. This article discusses things you must know in order to have a successful video conference in your classroom.

Yvonne Marie Andres
(December, 1993)

1991: Education and the Electronic Frontier
If telecomputing is so good, why aren't more educators using it?

Yvonne Marie Andres

1991: Advantages to Telecomputing
Reasons why educators should strive to make use of the Internet in their classrooms.

Yvonne Marie Andres

1995: How to Design a Successful Project
This is a condensation of the article, Telecommunications In The Classroom: Keys to Successful Telecomputing

Al Rogers and Yvonne Marie Andres

1990: Keys to Successful Telecomputing In The Classroom
We designed and conducted our first telecommunications learning project in 1984. This classic article, published in The Computing Teacher in 1990, Volume 17, Number 8, pages 25-28, summarizes our experiences and shares many useful tips for designing your own project.

Al Rogers, Yvonne Marie Andres, Mary Jacks and Tom Clauset

1989: Observations on Educational Electronic Networks: The Importance of Appropriate Activities for Learning
This article appeared in The Computing Teacher magazine in 1989. It includes such classic observations as "Why pen pals is a bad idea," as well as the first appearance of Al Rogers' now-popular Eratosthenes project (1988: FrEdMail Network), which had students measure and compare shadows in order to calculate the circumference of the earth.

Jim Levin, Al Rogers, Michael L. Waugh and Kathleen Smith

Downsizing in CyberSpace: In Search of a Social Networking Diet


PROJECT-BASED LEARNING: Learning Through Projects Teaches Students Important Project Management Skills


Anticipatory and Authentic Education: International Schools CyberFair


TWITTERVISION - collaborative worldview stream of consciousness


TwitterLiteracy and Buy a Friend a Book Week
