Category 5: Local Attractions (Natural and Man-Made)
A: Task:
Design a website and/or create a video story that showcases local natural and man-made
attractions (e.g. rivers, oceans, mountains, museums, zoos, parks, camp grounds).
The theme for
CyberFair 2025 is CREATE & Unite!
Every beginning counts. Even small beginnings can lead to
great things. So, let's collaborate, create and unite to protect our
communities, our environment, our culture, our health, our animals, and our
“Anything can happen. That’s the beauty of creating.”
~William Earnest Harwell
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
B: Learning Objectives:
Students will develop geographic
literacy through an awareness of place...the dominant natural and man-made landscape
features of their communities. (Natural physical characteristics include land forms, water
bodies, soils, natural vegetation and animal life.)
Students will understand human events
by first understanding the characteristics of the places in which these events occurred.
Students will be able to identify
local natural and man-made attractions and explain their origin and importance.
C: Discussion Questions:
What physical features such as rivers,
water, valleys or hills form a natural border or boundary for your community?
What physical characteristics and
natural resources have attracted people to your community?
What are the man-made attractions in
your area?
How many people visit your area?
Who are they and where do they come
from? How long do they stay?
What kind of impact do they have on
your community?
How are they spending their money?
Do the visitors add money to the local
economy or does it cost more than they spend to accommodate them?
Is your local community dependent upon
these visitors?
What would happen if they stopped
D. Suggested Starter
View past projects
produced by students in this category.
List and classify reasons why people
students know have chosen to move to your community. Students can find newspaper articles
and/or advertisement which represent the different attractions of the area.
Help students to classify responses
into major categories. Possible categories are: climate, employment, educational
opportunities, entertainment.
Distribute magazines and newspapers.
Have the students work in small groups to scan the materials for articles, pictures and
ads which relate to each of the categories identified.
Investigate the different attractions
tourists visit, such as zoos and museums.
Students can develop a travel guide
describing the various attractions that would interest a tourist to the community.
E: Examples of Projects
gCeantar - Our Region
Inver National School
(Mayo, Co,
Ireland, 2001)
Celebrating Our Heritage
Martel Elementary
(Lewiston, Maine, USA, 2001)
A Bend in the River
Dakota Meadows Middle School
(Mankato, Minnesota, USA, 2000)
A Bend in the River
Dakota Meadows Middle School
(Mankato, Minnesota, USA, 2000)
Creamer's Field
Joy Elementary
(Alaska, USA, 1999)
New Orleans Our Home Town
Immaculate Conception School
(Louisiana, USA, 1999)
Around Santa Barbara
Hollister School
(California, USA, 1998)
The Magnificent Moose Project
Anne Hopkins Wien Elementary School
(Alaska, USA, 1998)
World Port Los Angeles and the Surrounding Area
Dodson Middle School
(California, USA, 1998)
Terry the Prairie Dog
Village Elementary School
(Kansas, USA, 1998)
The Singapore Zoological
The Chinese High School
(Singapore, Singapore,
Welcome to Cape Town
Cape Town High School
(Western Cape, South
Africa, 1996)
Lansing - Making it Happen
St. Martha Elementary School
(Michigan, USA, 1996)