Category 7: Environmental Awareness Issues
A: Task:
Design a website and/or create a video story that exposes local
environmental concerns or that highlights special efforts to promote
a sense of awareness and action (e.g. disaster
preparedness, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, beach erosion, solid waste management,
water, air, and noise pollution).
The theme for
CyberFair 2025 is CREATE & Unite!
Every beginning counts. Even small beginnings can lead to
great things. So, let's collaborate, create and unite to protect our
communities, our environment, our culture, our health, our animals, and our
“Anything can happen. That’s the beauty of creating.”
~William Earnest Harwell
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
B: Learning Objectives:
Students will understand that nothing
in nature lives alone; all living things are influenced by their environment and each
organism in turn influences its environment.
Students will examine their
connection to the ecosystem by looking at the influence of the environment on their lives
and the impact their behaviors have on the environment.
Students will better understand the
world around them and take individual action for positive change.
C: Discussion Questions:
What are the demands being placed on
the finite resources of your community?
How can changes in students everyday
behavior have an impact in creating deterioration or harmony?
How can students think globally by
acting locally?
What does having respect for yourself
and a feeling of self-worth have to do with caring about your world?
What is the topography of your
community like?
How is trash handled?
What can be done about using
potentially hazardous household products?
Do you know where your wastewater goes
after you take a bath, use the washing machine, or flush the toilet?
What are the 12 most common trash
items found on beaches?
D. Suggested Activities:
View past projects
produced by students in this category.
Give a brief geological history of
your area.
Develop knowledge of your community by
describing its bioclimatic areas (rainfall and temperature).
Describe the geographical demarcations
(latitude and longitude) of the largest town or city in your community.
List the various programs at your
school and community that deal with the environment. Explain the background of these
Explain how people in your community
have changed in regard to environmental awareness. Find an older person who has lived in
your area prior to 1960 and develop a "The Way Things Used to Be" experience
Investigate how waste produced in our
homes and schools--trash, hazardous materials, sewage, urban run-off and litter--impacts
local habitats.
Check with your community and/or city
council to find out what development plans are being made and how they will affect the
Elected officials at all levels make
decisions that impact the environment. Call or write them to find out what they are doing
to preserve and protect the environment.
If possible, arrange for the class to
visit the nearest landfill. Call the site in advance to request an official guide. If this
is not possible, arrange for an official to visit the class to present key information
about modern landfills.
Brainstorm with the class a list of
questions related to the effects of poor trash disposal on the health and life spans of
people during specific periods and in specific geographical locations, such as the Middle
Ages in Europe.
After viewing some examples of common
household hazardous products and discussing how easy it is for people to ignore their
potential danger, challenge the students to accurately and vividly present (in the
artistic form of their choice) guidelines for buying, using, storing and disposing of
hazardous materials. (The students can form pairs or threesomes and plan and create their
message, presenting it to other classes.)
Develop a questionnaire/survey to
determine the most conscientious recycling business in your community. Decide on an
appropriate award or presentation for that company or business.
E: Examples of Projects
Horseshoe Crabs
Delaware, USA, 2001)
Noyes Slough Project
Ann Wien Elementary School
(Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 2000)
Global - Act Local
Burley Middle School
(West Yorkshire,
England, 1999)
The Endangered Species and Nature of the World
Cannelton Elementary School & Primary School De Wadden
(Indiana, USA &
Netherlands, 1999)
Consoling Mr. Green
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School
(Singapore, Singapore, 1999)
Nature Trail
Burley Middle School
(West Yorkshire,
England, 1998)
All about "Our Earth"
The Hendrix Family Home School
(Kansas, USA, 1998)
McKenny Middle School Recycles
McKenny Middle School
(New York, USA, 1997)
The Conservation of the Roodepoort Copper Butterfly and Black
Eagles at Ruimsig in the city of Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa
Adelaar High School
(Guateng, South Africa,